It is a well known fact that most of the corporate executives use fraction of their potential and power to influence the environment and achieve results. Interestingly, disempowerment is usually not from outside factors & environment but from within their own selves. People hold themselves from using their full power due to all sorts of imaginary or even real blocks. This is their blind spot, they do not even know first, that they are blocked and secondly that these blocks are primarily imaginary or can be removed with some help. Once they are facilitated towards this enlightenment that they are powerful and can easily use this power, the results start showing in greater achievements, both for themselves as well as organisations.
✓ Enhanced performance and direct effect on bottom-line
✓ Greater job satisfaction and sense of well being due to better emotional management
✓ Improvement in work climate as people start taking responsibility rather than blaming
✓ Reduction in executive stress due to greater sense of control and optimism
✓ Less need for supervision & follow-up, hence better time management